Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Week at a Glance

The first week of school really flew by and tomorrow we get to do it all over again!I have a lively class (par for the course) but I sure love them. Domenic had a successful first week of school as well. He really likes his teacher and classes and has managed to make a few connections. Domenic has several specialist classes throughout the week: art, music, PE, Indian Studies, Library, Foreign Language (French/Spanish). This Wednesday is the big kick-off for the after school activities so he will be plenty busy. Friday after school, while Domenic was at a friend's house, some of us were taken shopping for clothing, household items, and food. Priya, the elementary technology teacher (native to India), was kind enough to show us the way. I have never enjoyed shopping (food, clothing, or otherwise) back at home, but here it's an adventure and I'm loving it! Saturday we headed to the school for some time in the pool and then headed over to some fellow teacher's home where we ate, drank, and watched the kids run free. Today, Sunday, was a bit of a rest day. We really enjoyed the monsoon rain and the booming thunder and managed to walk through our neighborhood for more groceries and later an evening stroll to the beach.


  1. It all sounds great! And kids will be kids, no matter where in the world they are. We experienced a few a crazy thunderstorms in China, more rain and wind than I had ever seen in my life! I am so happy for you getting to have this experience.

  2. Carlina...I love "living vicariously" via your blog...and more than a little bit wish I was brave enough to do what you're doing! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences...hugs, Jacque

  3. Have you found a good tailor?!
