Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ta Ta Indica

My new car was delivered to the school on Tuesday and the timing couldn't have been better because the monsoon rain was coming down. It was one of the easiest (and fastest) purchases I've made. I asked George, the head of security at AISC, if he would help me decide on a model. My parameters were simple---small, new, and durable. Once we decided on the Indica, he called the dealership, had them deliver a model to the school the following day, negotiated the specifics, and helped me find a driver. One a price was agreed upon, I walked over to the financing department at school, they issued a check to the car company and that was that. The loan through the school is for 3 months only. The good news is my car will be paid for in full by the end of October but until then it's like a mortgage payment.

It's really a luxury to have someone escort you around. Parking is hard to come by so getting dropped off is great and the traffic here is a mess. Imagine the worst bottle neck traffic but instead of only seeing cars and buses merging you will also see: auto rickshaws, motorcycles with families piled on them (babies and all), bicycles, food carts, men, women, children of all ages, cows, dogs, and scooters. When the rain comes the streets are flooded and the horns are always blasting. It's just one continuous HONK. We have been informed that the rules of the road are simple---the bigger vehicle always has the right away and if an accident occurs the bigger vehicle is always at fault. From what I can gather that is dead on, but with one exception---cows always have the right away and they know it! It's great. I love it here.


  1. Great post, and good luck with the new car and driving. I hope school is going well!

  2. So will you be driving...or will you always have a driver? And was it so cheap that it only takes 3 months to pay for it? I'm SOoooOooooo confused!!! P.S. I LOVE your's great to live vicariously!

  3. Love seeing your blog and following your adventures, Carlina! Nice new wheels! Hey, I need to ask you a "school" question from good ole' Cedarhome, so will you send me your personal email if possible? Thanks a ton! Jane L.

  4. Carlina,
    The traffic sounds very familiar. I feel like I'm in a frogger game every time we get in the taxi. CRAZY! And the horns... I don't think I have ever used my horn more than once back home except for honking to say hello. Here they use them to warn others that they are running a light or to see if you want a ride, or to tell people that they are switching lanes. Sounds like you are having a great experience!
