Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back by Popular Demand!

(Domenic's entry)

I've been to a lot of places. Canada is the only place out of the United States I've been. I have never been to a different continent. My favorite thing to do is go places I've never been before. I'm so excited to go to India!

Today was my last trip to Canada. I got all my vaccines but my mom has a couple more left. I feel happy that I don't have to get anymore shots. We will have to visit the nurses again because they are very nice.

The streets of Chennai (the place we're moving) are going to be very busy. We are definitely going to have to keep track of each other. There are cows that wander the streets in some parts. The streets get flooded when it rains because there are monsoons there. It's so hot in India that the rain is warm water.

Every morning I have to get into the habit of putting on sunscreen, putting on bug spray, and taking allergy pills. I'm hoping bug spray works because every time I use it the mosquitoes still bite me. They like me so much. I should be okay though because I got the vaccine (Japanese encephalitis).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lost in Transition--a self diagnosis

Things people commonly discuss with me:

“Are you excited to be leaving soon?” Yes!

“Are you packing yet?” Some.

“Is Domenic excited?” Of course.

“Will you be coming home for Christmas?” That’s the plan.

“Is your sister planning on visiting?” In November.

“What about Domenic’s dad?” I sure hope so!

“Is Domenic’s dad supportive?” Surprisingly so.

“Anyone else visiting?” A small handful.

“Do you have any reservations about going?” Not a one.

“Aren’t you scared?” Should I be?

“How long is your contract?” Two years.

“You must really be stressed out and on OVERload.” I don’t really feel like I’m on overload.

Well then you must be in D.E.N.I.A.L…..(which I’ve heard many times by many people)

I surround myself with good company and when friends talk, I tend to listen. Am I really in denial? The question has caused me to think back 7 months ago when I was hired for this job. Since that time, every waking moment has been either talking about India, writing about India, filling out forms related to India or thinking about India. And while I enjoy this---after all it IS my dream to teach overseas---it leaves little time to focus on the here-and-now. This probably explains why I have been spending more and more time looking for my lost “to-do” lists than anything else. And when I do stumble upon these treasures, I’m appalled at the things written on the list----go to store (really?), write lesson plans (how sad), write list of questions needing answers from the school in India (a list to make a list!), check P.O. box (this one should be tattooed on me…even a list doesn’t work….by the time I get around to checking the mail I usually have to put my foot on the wall in order to gain enough leverage to yank out everything that is crammed in there, only to throw the shredded and torn mess away).

From here on out, I’m going to do SOMEthing and THEN write it on a list and cross it out so I feel more accomplished.

I really don’t think I’m in denial but I do think I’m lost in transition and until I’m in India I will be kind to myself and strive only for mediocrity.

50 days and counting!