Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh Canada!

(This is Domenic's entry)

We have to go to Canada three times before we go to India because we have to get vaccines. We already did it once today. Mom and I each got two shots. We each got one rabies shot and one Japanese encephalitis shot. We also got lots of good brochures because we need to know a lot of things before we move, like about creatures that crawl in your drinks and make you sick. The ladies at the clinic were really nice. They even gave me treats and let me watch cartoons on the TV.

The only things I don't like about going to India are the shots and the packing. But the things that I AM excited about are that we are going to see the Taj Mahal, and I get to meet new people. When I make friends I'll get to see them more often than I do in Washington because there are lots of after school activities like swimming and soccer and lots more. I hope we have a GREAT time in India! And there are three bedrooms so you can come and visit us. I hope to see you if you visit, but don't worry. We will come back in winter and summer.


  1. TOO CUTE!!! Where did you go for shots??

  2. Oh Dom, you are so sweet!! I so hope we get a chance to visit you while you are there :) We sure will miss you and your mom. Love you!

  3. Domenic, you're an amazing writer. Please keep the blog entries coming.

    I love you so much and can’t wait to see you in less than a week. We’re going to have sooooo much fun together.

  4. Shots do stink! We are excited that you are going to be living closer to us.

  5. The Taj Mahal IS THE MOST beautiful building on the planet, Dom - you are right to look forward to it!

  6. Great blog, Dom...keep writing so I can keep reading.
