Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh Canada!

(This is Domenic's entry)

We have to go to Canada three times before we go to India because we have to get vaccines. We already did it once today. Mom and I each got two shots. We each got one rabies shot and one Japanese encephalitis shot. We also got lots of good brochures because we need to know a lot of things before we move, like about creatures that crawl in your drinks and make you sick. The ladies at the clinic were really nice. They even gave me treats and let me watch cartoons on the TV.

The only things I don't like about going to India are the shots and the packing. But the things that I AM excited about are that we are going to see the Taj Mahal, and I get to meet new people. When I make friends I'll get to see them more often than I do in Washington because there are lots of after school activities like swimming and soccer and lots more. I hope we have a GREAT time in India! And there are three bedrooms so you can come and visit us. I hope to see you if you visit, but don't worry. We will come back in winter and summer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Apartment and School Pictures

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Departing July 25!!!

Well, it's official. Domenic and I will be leaving for Chennai the morning of July 25---door to door it will take over 30 hours to get there. Where was the map when I accepted this job? The school is kind enough to be sending “someone” to pick us up. I know it’s true because I read it in the fine print of the paperwork. How will we know who that “someone” is? They will be holding a sign with my name—yes, MY name. Just like in the movies. The problem with this (in Domenic’s eyes)….what about HIS name? For those of you who know Domenic well I’m sure you are shaking your head in a way that says, “No surprise there”. When I relayed this story to the head of school he responded with, “I’m making a special note in your file to not only include Domenic’s name, but to write it first. We like to keep our young constituents happy”. This guy is obviously a professional. Domenic is feeling much more at ease about the shuttle service to our new home.
When I was asked to pick an area of Chennai that I’d like to live in, I chose a section based solely on the likelihood of me being able to pronounce--at some point over the two years-- and remember. That way when I’m lost and someone asks where I live---in a language I can’t understand anyway-- I can actually tell them. As it turns out, no apartments are available in those sections---I guess great minds think alike. Instead we are living in an area near the beach, about 10 minutes from the school, and spelled with 13 letters….only 3 more letters than my last name. Should be doable.