Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our School-- Chennai, India

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  1. wow! not too shabby from the looks of that pool gets plenty of use.

  2. Carlina,
    Caitlin and I are so excited for you and Domenic! What an adventure of a lifetime you are embarking on! We just heard Mrs. Newman will be joining you!
    Caitlin is sad I am too tech impaired to get her photo up, she is talking on the phone as if the two of you are keeping in touch while you are "already" in India:>
    We look forward to learning along with you about all India has to offer. And are so glad your support network is already making travel plans to join you:>
    If only our poor little SCSD could compare, know you will be missed, I'm sure by more than my little Aidan and me. You have been a gift to Caitlin and our family! I love that she is so enjoying all aspects of school, this can be attributed mostly to you! Don't forget that-share that love of learning on your journey, but do come back to us!!!

  3. Look at me go! Little lady can "talk" to you now:> And we talked lunch today, thanks for update and keep me posted! We'll talk more Friday!!!!

  4. Look at you, Miss "2 posts and 34 followers". I guess if I ever did anything more exciting than calling 911 to get my kid out of a tree, I would have more followers!
