Sunday, October 2, 2011

4 Months in 4 Paragraphs

It's been almost 4 months since adding a post! I keep telling myself that as soon as I get caught up, or as soon as my life slows down, I will  update my blog. That will never happen. And would I really want it that way?

July- Our visit to Camano Island was fast and furious. Each day was packed but we managed to cross off an unbelievable amount of tasks from an endless list and had  so much fun along the way. The shining moment, of course, was July 16! Our wedding day was magical and better than I could have imagined. Thank you friends and family for showering us with love and happiness. After our wedding, Seth and I departed to Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada where the weather was anything but nice. It snowed and rained, but we had a wonderful time hiking, river rafting, eating, drinking, and playing cards. A week later we were back on the Island, packing our bags and heading to Seattle for the long journey back to India and our new house.

Lola, Colleen, Marianne, Carlina, Adrienne, Dorcy, Kristin

August- Teachers were required to report to work on August 1, and students on August 8. I have 17 students, most of them ESL. They are young, cute, full of zest, and keep me on my toes! Domenic started 4th grade. It's been a big jump, academically, but he is adjusting well. His biggest complaint is all the homework, but overall he likes his studies.

First Day of School, August 8, 2011

September- It took us nearly a month to adjust to the rhythm of work and school, but we managed. September is the month where volunteers from AISC begin their visits to one of the local orphanages here in Chennai. Seth, Dom, and I go once a week to the House of Hope. House of Hope was established after the 2004 tsunami. It's a great family activity and the best way to show Domenic just how privileged we are to live the life we do. We also celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi, the birthday of Lord Ganesha. This is a Hindu celebration lasting 10 days. Models of Lord Ganesha are made from clay or plaster of paris and on the 11th day, the statues are taken through the streets, with singing and dancing, to the sea where they are immersed in water, symbolizing a "see-off" for the Lord. The beaches were wild. India loves to celebrate!

Domenic and Lord Ganesha

October- I can't believe we are in October already. It's baseball season and this year we stepped back into the 21st Century, getting a nice TV, cable, and DVR. We have been recording the games and watching them at our leisure. The last week in October is a scheduled holiday. We get one week off. This year the 3 of us will be going to Cambodia with a brief stay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

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