Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It’s a known fact; there are many cows in India. In an average day, one can easily spy cows causally strolling down a neighborhood road, snacking on trash from one of the many overflowing dumpsters, crossing through rush hour traffic without a care in the world, and sprawling out in the center of the busiest roads.

We see cows so often they have become invisible to us. This was true until the day we encountered Puke-Cow. Puke-Cow is the resident cow at the local wine shop, a mascot if you will. He spends his days lumbering around the premise and keeping time with the local bar-flies (literally and figuratively). As humans we don’t routinely do something unless the payoff is worth it. It’s no different with Puke-Cow. He hangs out at the wine shop waiting for his meal to be delivered to him at his feet, all the puke he can eat! He was officially granted this name the day Seth arrived, order in hand, and was unable to enter. Standing at the entrance, and feasting on a freshly delivered meal, was Puke-Cow. He lifted his head, a string of slime connecting his mouth to the ground, and eyed Seth as if to say, “Get your own meal. This one is mine.”

Hmm? A convenient coincidence cows are sacred and therefore not eaten?

You might be wondering what type of an establishment would allow such a resident? The wine shops here are putrid, and sadly the only places to buy alcohol. The building looks like a shack. It’s filthy with a dirt floor and when it rains, a cesspool of diseases creates a moat around the entrance. It’s difficult to imagine such a sight so I have included some pictures. The only element missing is the smell. Sorry.

The wine shops are something I never set foot into. Seth has been granted the honors and when he comes home I can be heard shouting, “Do not put those bottles in the fridge, freezer, or elsewhere without disinfecting them. To the sink they go!!!!”

1 comment:

  1. That is just gross. I am pretty understanding of cultural differences, but that is just wrong!
