Saturday, September 18, 2010

Indian Wedding---celebrity status

Thursday we attended our first Indian wedding and what an experience it was! We were the only Americans--or non-Indians for that matter--who attended the wedding. You would think the event was coordinated and designed around our needs and wishes. George, our driver, arranged for a good friend of his to "take care of us" at the wedding and reception. We had no idea what we were in for.

As soon as we arrived, people gathered around and welcomed us. We were escorted into the church and seated in the front row. There were people taking photos and videos of us....paparazzi style. The service was beautiful and long and we didn't understand a word that was said. Domenic was slowly melting into the pew and dripping onto the floor, but other than that he was extremely well behaved. Toward the end of the service the priest was speaking and pausing while the guests applauded. We had no idea why until the gentleman who was in charge of us leaned over and explained that the priest was using us an example of good parenting, filled with love and patience and wishing the bride and groom to have the same. All I can say is good job Domenic for pulling this off while we sat under microscope and thank you Seth for diluting Domenic's impatience by offering some of your patience. Phew!

After the service we were asked to stand with the bride and groom for more photos. Then we were whisked away to the reception where once again we sat front row. The bride and groom entered on stage. The priest joined them and said a few words but this time in English. He was reading off all of our names, referring to us as the guests of honor and inviting us on stage. We were given a beautiful lei, sat on stage, and ate cake that was hand fed to us by the bride! Later we had a delicious dinner served on a banana leaf.

It was a wonderful experience. We had no idea we would be treated like such celebrities!

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  1. Wow! thanks for the pictures...sounds like you are being treated in India much the way the Smiths are being treated in China--like royalty--or at least movie stars. The meal with no utensils looked like a bit of a challenge. What a great experience for Domenic! (not to mention his mom)
